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6 Drivers of Employee Engagement and How to Use Them

An organization's company values and culture are made up of several factors that create and influence engaged employees. Use the following key drivers of employee engagement to boost your employees' sense of satisfaction, belonging, and engagement within your workplace culture.

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What is an employee engagement driver?

The term "drivers of employee engagement" refers to the factors or elements of company culture and leadership that contribute to and influence the level of engagement employees have in their work and their overall commitment to their organization.

These drivers are the key determinants that motivate employees to go above and beyond their basic job requirements and actively contribute to the success and growth of the company. In addition to improving employee retention, they help create a positive work environment and company culture and foster a sense of belonging, dedication, and satisfaction among employees.

Learn more πŸ‘‰ Discover the ripple effects of a successful employee engagement strategy in our blog, Why is Employee Engagement Important for Your Team's Success?


Improve your company culture with these 6 employee engagement drivers

Improve your company culture with these 6 employee engagement drivers:

1. Meaningful work πŸ“

Meaningful work plays a major role in boosting employee engagement. When employees find what they do meaningful, they are more likely to be emotionally invested in their tasks and committed to achieving the organization's larger goals. Here are some ways you can use meaningful work to improve engagement:

  • Assign challenging and impactful projects: Provide employees with projects that allow them to utilize their skills, expertise, and creativity. Assign tasks that have a clear purpose and meaningful impact on the organization, its customers, or society as a whole. 🧠
  • Encourage autonomy and decision-making: Give employees the freedom to explore new ideas, problem-solve, and make choices that impact their work. Autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and control, leading to greater engagement and satisfaction. πŸ’‘
  • Share success stories and impact: Regularly communicate success stories and the positive impact of employees' work. Share customer testimonials, case studies, or stories that highlight the difference their contributions have made. πŸŽ‰
Pro tip πŸ‘‰ Create a designated channel in your team’s internal communications platform where you can share positive customer reviews, testimonials, and other impacts from your employees’ hard work!Β 


2. Growth and professional development opportunities 🌱

When employees have opportunities to grow and expand their skills, knowledge, and career prospects within an organization, they are more likely to feel engaged. Here's how growth opportunities drive employee engagement:

  • Career advancement: Employees are more engaged when they see a clear path for career advancement within the organization. Providing opportunities for promotions, increased responsibilities, and upward mobility signals to employees that their contributions are recognized and rewarded, motivating employees to perform at their best and achieve their career goals. ⬆️
  • Skill variety and job enrichment: Offering opportunities for employees to take on diverse tasks and expand their job responsibilities can enhance their engagement. By increasing the variety and challenge of their work, organizations can stimulate employees' interest and motivation, preventing monotony and fostering a sense of growth and development. πŸ’»
  • Internal mobility: Organizations that encourage internal mobility and provide opportunities for employees to explore different roles and departments promote engagement. Internal job transfers, lateral moves, or rotational programs enable employees to broaden their skills, gain new experiences, and find new sources of motivation and engagement within the organization. πŸ’Ό
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Encourage employees and boost pride in their skill set with Culture Club: Self Doubt to Confidence!
Virtual Self-Doubt to Confidence Culture Club by Confetti


3. Employee recognition and rewards πŸ’

Recognition and rewards provide employees with a sense of appreciation, value, and satisfaction for their contributions and achievements. Here's how to use recognition as a critical engagement driver:

  • Give timely and specific recognition: Acknowledge employees' achievements and efforts as soon as possible. Be specific about what they did well and how it positively impacted the organization or team. Personalized recognition shows that their work is valued and encourages them to continue performing at a high level. πŸ—“
  • Make recognition public: Publicly recognize employees' accomplishments and contributions. Celebrate their achievements in team meetings, company newsletters, or internal communication channels. Public recognition not only acknowledges individual success but also fosters a positive work culture and inspires others to strive for excellence. πŸ—―
  • Peer recognition: Encourage a culture of peer-to-peer recognition where employees can appreciate and acknowledge each other's contributions. Implement programs or platforms that allow colleagues to nominate and recognize their peers for outstanding work. Peer recognition promotes a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, and support, enhancing overall engagement and coworker relationships. 🀝
  • Offer rewards and incentives: These can include bonuses, gift cards, additional paid time off, or other gifts and swag. Ensure that the rewards align with employees' preferences and values to make them more impactful. 🎁
  • Celebrate milestones and team achievements: Celebrate project completions, team achievements, or significant organizational successes. Organize team events, celebrations, or social gatherings to commemorate these milestones and acknowledge the collective efforts of employees. It fosters a sense of pride, camaraderie, and shared purpose, driving engagement. πŸ™Œ
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Celebrate the impact of your employees’ meaningful contributions with a round of Workplace Gratitude!Β 
Virtual Workplace Gratitude by Confetti


4. Communication and employee feedback πŸ’¬

When employees have open channels of communication and receive regular feedback, they feel valued, empowered, and connected to their work and the organization. Here are some ways in which communication and employee feedback drive employee engagement:

  • Clarity and Alignment: Effective communication ensures that employees have a clear understanding of organizational goals, strategies, and expectations. When employees are well-informed about the direction of the company and how their work contributes to those goals, they feel a sense of purpose and alignment. Clear communication helps employees see the bigger picture and understand the significance of their role, enhancing their engagement. πŸͺž
  • Sense of belonging and inclusion: When employees feel that their opinions, ideas, and concerns are valued and heard, it creates a positive work environment where they feel psychologically safe to contribute their best. This sense of inclusion enhances engagement and encourages employees to actively participate and collaborate.
  • Two-way communication: Effective communication involves not only conveying information from the top-down but also inspiring employees to provide their input and ideas. When employees have opportunities to voice their opinions, give constructive feedback, and contribute to decision-making processes, it empowers them and makes them feel valued. Two-way communication fosters a sense of ownership and engagement, as employees become active participants in shaping the organization's direction. πŸ‘₯
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Use an employee engagement survey to receive employee feedback. For more tips, read our blog on The Top 5 Tips for Measuring Employee Engagement!


5. Effective management and senior leadership πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό

Improving the employee-manager relationship is a crucial step in driving employee engagement levels. Effective management and senior leadership set the tone, direction, and culture within an organization. When leaders demonstrate strong leadership qualities and effectively manage their teams, it creates an environment that drives employee engagement through:

  • Support and empowerment: Effective managers support and empower their employees. They provide the necessary resources, guidance, and opportunities for growth and development. When employees feel supported and empowered to take on challenges, make decisions, and develop their skills, it boosts their confidence and engagement.
  • Trust and transparency: When leaders are transparent in their communication, decision-making processes, and information sharing, it creates a culture of trust and openness. Employees who trust their leaders are more likely to be engaged, as they feel comfortable voicing their opinions, taking risks, and contributing their best ideas.
  • Role modeling and inspiration: When leaders embody the values, behaviors, and work ethic they expect from employees, it sets a positive example and inspires others to follow suit. Inspirational leaders create a sense of purpose and motivation, driving employee engagement.
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Form positive relationships between employees, management, and the leadership team with a Mindful Leadership Workshop.
Virtual Mindful Leadership Workshop by Confetti


6. Employee well-being πŸ˜€

Prioritizing employee well-being is a key driver of employee engagement as it demonstrates care and concern for employees' holistic needs. When organizations prioritize employee well-being, they create an environment that supports physical, mental, and emotional health, fostering a positive work culture. Here are some ways you can prioritize employee well-being:

  • Establish work-life balance initiatives: Promote work-life balance by implementing policies and practices that support flexible work arrangements, promote reasonable work hours, and encourage employees to disconnect during non-work hours. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and vacations to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 🧘
  • Mental health support: Provide resources and support for employees' mental well-being. This can include offering access to counseling services, mental health workshops, stress management programs, or mindfulness classes. Raise awareness about mental health issues and create a culture that destigmatizes seeking help. πŸ’œ
  • Offer wellness programs: Implement wellness programs that support physical health, such as fitness challenges, health screenings, yoga or meditation classes, or subsidized gym memberships. Encourage employees to prioritize their health and well-being by providing resources and incentives for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. πŸ‘Ÿ
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Exercise the body and the mind at Field Day!Β 
Virtual Field Day by Confetti


Drive employee engagement with Confetti 🎊

By using these six employee engagement strategies, you can create a work environment where employees feel connected, valued, and motivated. By putting these drivers into action, you'll be on your way to building a team of engaged and enthusiastic employees who are ready to take your organization to new heights. Cheers to a workplace where engagement is not just a buzzword, but a way of life!

Ready to start boosting employee engagement with team building, professional development, and DEI activities? Contact [email protected] to plan your remote or hybrid event today!Β 
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