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The 5 Best Principles for Re-Engaging Disengaged Employees

Actively disengaged employees can pose challenges to the health and growth of a company. To overcome this hurdle, organizations need to adopt strategies that rekindle motivation and commitment and foster a sense of purpose throughout the workforce.

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Why do employees become disengaged? πŸ™

Employee disengagement can stem from various factors that affect their motivation and commitment within the workplace. According to Gallup, most employees feel disengaged in their workplace, with only 15% reporting that they feel engaged.

Here are some factors that cause many employees to feel disengaged:

  • Lack of recognition and appreciation: When team members feel undervalued or overlooked, their enthusiasm, job satisfaction, and drive can dwindle over time πŸ“‰
  • Ineffective communication and feedback channels: Employees require clear expectations and constructive feedback to stay connected and motivated πŸ—―οΈ
  • Limited growth and development opportunities: The absence of avenues for advancement or skill enhancement can create feelings of stagnation and disinterest πŸ˜’
  • Poor leadership and management practices: Overwhelming workloads and a misalignment between personal and organizational values further exacerbate employee disengagement πŸ˜“

By understanding these underlying causes, organizations can take proactive measures to address and mitigate disengagement, creating a more thriving and positive work environment.

Use these 5 strategies to re-engage disengaged employees

Use these 5 strategies to re-engage disengaged employees:

In today's fast-paced and competitive work environments, employee engagement plays a pivotal role in driving productivity and organizational success. Here are some strategies you can use to re-engage disengaged employees.

1. Recognize wins (even the small ones) πŸ₯³

Recognizing and celebrating small wins acknowledges employees' efforts and achievements, no matter how insignificant they may seem. This recognition boosts their morale, instills confidence, and validates their contributions. It reminds them that their work matters and that their efforts are recognized and valued by the organization.

When disengaged employees receive recognition for their small wins, it reinforces the positive behaviors and efforts they put into their work. This reinforcement encourages them to continue investing their time and energy, gradually building momentum and engagement over time. Recognizing wins acts as positive reinforcement, encouraging the desired behaviors and outcomes.

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2. Improve the manager-employee relationship πŸ‘₯

Managers play a crucial role in engaging employees and setting the tone for a healthy workplace and team success by:

  • Leading by example, demonstrating professionalism, fairness, and integrity πŸ’ͺ
  • Showing commitment to open communication, continuous learning, and personal growth πŸ“ˆ
  • Being approachable, supportive, and responsive to employee needs πŸ€—

Managers can also support and engage employees by addressing issues promptly and constructively. Mediate conflicts between team members when necessary, promoting a positive and harmonious work environment. Encourage open dialogue and guide employees toward finding mutually beneficial resolutions.

Managers should respect work-life balance and promote employee well-being, at work and within their personal lives. Encourage employees to take breaks, use vacation time, and support flexibility when feasible, and address any work-related stressors or concerns.

How to get started πŸ‘‰ Put yourself in your employees' shoes at the Empathy Water Cooler!
Virtual Empathy Water Cooler by Confetti


3. Ask questions & listen πŸ‘‚

When engaging in conversations with disengaged employees, practice active listening and demonstrate your own engagement through verbal and non-verbal cues, including summarizing key points and asking follow-up questions.

Use open-ended questions that encourage employees to share their thoughts and insights in more detail. Avoid yes-or-no questions and instead ask questions that encourage reflection, provide added context, and get employees to share their perspectives. This promotes deeper conversations and allows employees to express themselves fully.

When approaching conversations with disengaged employees, do so with a genuine sense of curiosity and empathy, showing sincere interest in understanding the employee's experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Avoid interrupting or rushing the conversation, and allow employees the space to share their thoughts and emotions freely.

Act on the feedback and insights you receive from employees, taking appropriate steps to address their concerns, implement changes, or provide the necessary support. Communicate the actions taken and always remember to follow up with employees to demonstrate that their input is heard and valued.

How to get started πŸ‘‰ If you don't already issue employee engagement surveys, here are The Top 5 Tips for Measuring Employee Engagement that will help get you started!


4. Create a personal development plan πŸ“

Creating a personal development plan can be a powerful tool for getting actively disengaged workers back on track. Here are steps to create an effective personal development plan:

  1. Assess individual strengths and areas for improvement: Start by conducting a thorough assessment of employee performance, skills, and areas where they can further develop. This evaluation can include self-assessments, performance reviews, and feedback from managers and colleagues. πŸ”
  2. Set specific goals: Collaborate with the employee to set clear and achievable goals that align with their interests, aspirations, and organizational objectives. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). ⭐
  3. Identify development opportunities: Explore learning and development opportunities that can help the employee acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. This can include training programs, workshops, online courses, mentoring, and more. Consider both formal and informal learning opportunities, such as Lunch and Learn programs with colleagues. πŸ’Ό
  4. Create an action plan: Outline the specific steps and milestones required to achieve the development goals. Break down the plan into manageable tasks and establish timelines. The employee and their manager can work together to define the necessary resources, support, and checkpoints to ensure progress. πŸ—ΊοΈ
  5. Provide resources and support: Ensure that the employee has access to the necessary resources, such as training materials, books, online platforms, or mentorship. Offer guidance and support throughout the development journey, and encourage them to seek assistance when needed. πŸ’—
  6. Track progress and provide feedback: Regularly review the employee's progress against their development plan. Provide constructive feedback and recognition to keep them motivated and engaged. Adjust the plan as needed based on evolving needs and circumstances. ✏️
  7. Evaluate and revise the plan: Periodically assess the effectiveness of the personal development plan, asking for feedback from the employee to make adjustments as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and impactful. πŸ€”
How to get started πŸ‘‰ Set up 1:1 time between managers and disengaged employees to better understand where a Performance Improvement Plan can suit their needs and get started creating one as a team!


5. Plan team building events often πŸ•ΉοΈ

Sometimes, disengagement stems from monotony, burnout, and a lack of variety in the workplace. Luckily, team building events provide a break from the regular workday and inject an element of fun and excitement into your employees' experience. This change of pace, no matter how big or small the event, can re-energize disengaged employees and reignite their interest in their work once they've enjoyed a social and interactive break with their colleagues.

When employees have fun together and feel appreciated, their morale improves, which has a positive effect on your team's success. Team building activities also provide an opportunity for employees to communicate more personally and build relationships with their colleagues outside the usual work context. This helps create a sense of belonging and encourages employees to feel more connected to the team, which boosts employee engagement and performance!

Pro-tip: To make your team building events enjoyable and not just another workday obligation, don't force employees to participate. Instead, plan your events ahead of time and encourage maximum participation instead!

How to get started πŸ‘‰ Enjoy a lively, team building extravaganza at our Drag Queen Casino!
Virtual Drag Queen Casino by Confetti


Improve your employee engagement levels with Confetti πŸŽ‰

Re-engaging disengaged employees requires a thoughtful and proactive approach. By implementing these re-engagement strategies, you can create a positive and energized company culture. So, why wait? Take the first step today and start engaging your employees with exciting team building events. Foster collaboration, strengthen relationships and unlock the full potential of your team.

Together, let's re-ignite the spark of engagement and drive success in your organization! Contact [email protected] to get started!Β 

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