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Vendor Vetting Process

Our high standards for vendors.

Updated over a week ago

As a managed marketplace, we understand that the quality of our vendors is the bread and butter of our core offering. Therefore, we choose only the best vendors who are at the top of their field of expertise, to supply the products and services offered on our platform.

Our dedicated Vendor Relation Managers carefully source and vet each vendor before on-boarding them, so that you don’t have to.

What we care about

  • Customer service and human interaction skills

  • Quality of goods and/or services

  • Proven experience

  • Willingness to learn and improve

How we do it

  • Reviewing the vendor’s offering online to make sure it matches the product(s) on our platform.

  • Inspecting the vendor’s social reviews and ratings on multiple online platforms. Discuss and analyze in-depth any negative reviews and the stories behind them.

  • Conducting a minimum of a 30 minute phone call with the business owner or a senior manager.

  • Receiving 2-3 great corporate customer testimonials addressed to Confetti, describing the positive experience those companies had with this vendor (only in cases where the previous steps did not satisfy us but we didn't find any conclusive reason to reject that vendor).

  • The last step of our thorough screening process is the first event we conduct with that vendor. In order to pass this step, the vendor needs to receive a positive review from the customer of that event. If a negative review is received, that event will be fully refundable (no questions asked) and the vendor will need to prove that they have learned and improved upon the feedback before being granted another test event.

Once a vendor passes all steps of our vetting process, they are finally accepted to our network and can start providing products and services to our customers. However, we are constantly monitoring each vendor, and the staff members they hire, in order to ensure that they maintain the bar they have set on their vetting process.

Our vetting process has been proving extremely efficient in filtering only the “cream of the crop” in each and every product category, as we pride ourselves on our whopping 98% positive review rate amongst the thousands of events we have conducted to this day.

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